Friday, July 31, 2009

Diazepam Downfall

I am terrible. When it comes to acquiring pharmaceuticals I find the actor in comes alive, and I'm no actor by all means.

This doctor I visited so apprehensively yesterday to acquire my next two months of daily drugs, and one of those drugs is a 5mg tablet called Valium. Now I don't find Valium particularly appealing myself but fuck me, whenever there is a chance to acquiring Valium (or any other quality pharm), them most likely I will take it just to see what it does!

This was yesterday, now I only have less than 15 pills and my mind is wondering where the hell they all went? Did I sleepwalk last night (as I do) and actually consume a dose equating 10 tablets? I don't remember except I slept through the whole night (first time in months!).

If this is true then I must have sleepwalked and no wonder I woke up so late today, groggy as hell!

Ah, pill adventures! Too bad I never remember them!

I tried to add a pic to this post but for some reason I cannot...

With Love and Light

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